Go F*ck Yourself (Literally)

Written by #RebelGirl Emily Seggio

It’s no secret that masturbation is a taboo topic (and even more so for women). Western society has been teaching women that their life’s purpose is aligned with “saving our bodies for our husbands'' for decades. But it's time we reclaim ownership of our bodies and challenge ourselves to prioritize the desires of our bodies instead of the outdated standards we have been indoctrinated with. 

1.   An orgasm-induced endorphin release can also provide stress relief and can improve mood.

Experts suggest that masturbation successfully shifts the mind away from any kind of trigger that could cause orgasm-inhibiting stress.

Your solo-sesh triggers a wide variety of hormone activity in your brain. Involving an intricate release of serotonin and dopamine, two hormones responsible for the feeling of happiness.

So much so that it can even help you fall asleep. After finally reaching your peak, letting go of all the energy and the tension leaves you exhausted enough for a restful night’s sleep.

2.   Self-exploration and understanding

A huge benefit of female masturbation involves doing away with that sexual shame. One of the most immutable facts about human nature is that we’re sexual beings, and it's our responsibility to explore and understand that side of ourselves.

A Ted Talk by an author, Nicole Daedone, called “Orgasm: The Cure for Hunger in the Western Woman” discusses the taboo subject of masturbation in a way I hope to see in the future of popular media.

She proposes that the “one size fits all” approach to a woman’s orgasm undermines the very intricacies that make the experience what it is, and that sex has less to do with “getting off” and more to do with human connection – especially if that connection is with yourself.

3.   If you’re in a relationship, masturbation can improve your sex life with your partner.

Better understanding your own sexual desires, and “what gets you off” is the ideal way to improve your sex life with your partner. With proper communication, opens the door for sexual exploration, and a deeper physical and emotional connection in the relationship.

4.   Helps relieve menstrual cramps.

When you have your period your uterus rids itself of the endometrial lining it’s built up to support a potential pregnancy, which often results in varying levels of pain.

Those feel-good endorphins induced by orgasm can do much more than relieving stress and can provide relief for debilitating period cramps.

In an age where myth-busting previously accepted societal norms are as easy as tapping on a smartphone, it’s our job as modern women to recognize outdated stigma and make the conscious decision to prioritize our needs as humans.

So go relax, you know what to do ;)